Wednesday, September 7, 2011

"The Broken Nation"

     Our president,prior to his election said,"our country is broken". It seems,no one believes this statement. How is this possible? How could this country be broken? Surely not...We live in the most free and wealthy nation on the planet. Our political system was designed,to allow each american a say,as to how our nation acts and works,both here and abroad.
     The question is,a say on what? I've learned,my opinion isn't worth a thing. And,if I got a million,or ten million people to agree with me,it would still be a minority,and not count for much. Then,who's going to listen? Who can you share your views to? Your congressman,state representative,or maybe your senator? Will you get a response?
     We live in the richest nation in the world. We,(even me) are more wealthy than most other people,in every other country on the planet. We enjoy(tho,if you asked a high school student,they'll tell you they don't enjoy) an educational system,that allows for our citizens to attain any height they desire. Education to lead us into the future,with knowledge,trainingand ideas,to propell each of us toward greatness.
     Our country offers it's citizens,programs to help keep food to their tables,medical plans to keep people healthy,education and training,so they may grow with their jobs or other oppertunities as encountered. Social services to help folks that get lost along the way,and Freedom to make whatever choices we will!
     So,with all that stated,How could our country be broken? With all our programs,services,schools,and a free system,that allows all of us,to be unique individuals,how could we let our nation founder? Looks like this may take a while,so I'll continue later...feel free to comment,and give me your permission to share what you have to say.  RGCORROS

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