Sunday, January 8, 2012

Fixing The Problem

America can't be fixed.  I seem to be the only citizen who thinks there may be a problem in this country.  Everyone else acts like there's nothing wrong with how things are working out.  Although many people aren't happy with their jobs ( those that have them ), They don't see that anything is wrong or needs fixing at all.

With elections coming up this year, it's politics as usual for the residents of this country.  All of the politicians telling the people how our current president, hasn't done his job.  Acting like he put our nation into this economic meltdown we've been going through.

Our president isn't perfect, but I believe he didn't stand a chance.  The other elected officials didn't support him, and actually stalled most of his efforts to make any effective fixes.  They may not have agreed with his policies, and may not have thought the changes would be effective, but it was their job, to help make this a better place for the citizens.  To work for us, not to fight for more money in their bank accounts.

In the debates the other night, the top contenders were talking about how Obama didn't do some humanitarian action in Iran.  Suppose he had?  He already had wars on at least two fronts, an economical problem in our land, power plays in other places that would affect our policies abroad, and our politicians fighting him at every turn.

He's criticized for all of these things, yet he didn't cause them, and he's made out to be some kind of inept idiot, for not jumping into the fire on a couple of issues.  Had he gotten involved with Iran, and the problems our country has had with that country, he probably would have faced impeachment.

The political powers in our country have no understanding of the problems that face the people.  When more than half of this nation is living at, or below the poverty line, those individuals that make more than $160,000 a year, pretending to care about the people of this country, just rake in their money and suggest, the poor slobs that aren't working should try harder.  Who elected these people anyway?

In my plan, everyone makes the same wages, has a place to live, has work that they feel good about doing, and doesn't have to worry about medical costs.  In my plan we're all equal, and not competing for more wealth, but cooperating with each other, to build a better place for our children to grow up in.

My plan requires us to live in a perfect world, to care about the other people around us, and to give up our selfish ways.  My plan may be unreasonable, but it creates a place where the American people are all working for the good of everyone.  That utopia where people that need medical attention are taken care of, by healing them, not putting them out of our miseries.

Politicians should be working for the American people, all of them, not just the wealthy.  The idea of going into politics was supposed to be about an aptitude toward helping our nation, not a paycheck of a hundred grand a year.  Our country needs help, our citizens need jobs, that pay a living wage, and we need our politicians to get real.  Maybe if they had to live at poverty level, they would change their policies.

The reason this country is full of sheep, is because the average Joe has given up.  The American dream is a thing of the past.  We should try to revive the spirit of our nation, but that will take some major changes in the way people act, live and work.

Sadly I say, " Fire the politicians ".

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